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Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-20  |  114KB  |  2544x3300
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OCR: A/UX Hotline Overview A/UX Hotline Apple is committed to long -term access i to A/LX technical 1 support effective technical support to help proxduct .support to help you max- CxIerts al Apple increasing your nox use the NUX oneratine sys iriize the return on vour invest- svstem resourocs and l enhancing tem and related Apple products. ment in the A/IX operating your productivity With the help For an annual fee you can x system The A/LX Hotline is a of advanced support techno- come anAUX Hotline subscriber. Loll-free telephone support ser- logics, A/UX Hotline specialists vice that gives you immediate will provide you with tirnely COSE proxluct cxperts ircreasing opcrating imize resourees Hotling adyanced techro to11 COXSE